Monthly Archives: March 2024

Friday Funny March 29, 2024 Easter Bunny Jokes

Happy Friday and Happy Easter!  I thought I would break out some Easter Bunny jokes for you this week.


The other day I was in an elevator with the Easter Bunny, it was a hare raising experience.

If you crossed a rabbit with a shellfish, would you get the oyster bunny?

If you crossed a rabbit with a frog, would you get a bunny ribbit?

Would you call an unconventional Easter egg – egg-centric?

Would you call a line of rabbits jumping backwards a receding hare-line?

Would you call someone who isn’t sure if the Easter Bunny is real an Eggnostic?

Is it true that Peter Cottontail goes hopping down the bunny trail because he is too young to drive?

Is it true that the best way to tell which rabbits are getting old is to look for the gray hares?

I heard that the reason why people paint eggs for Easter is that it is a lot easier than trying to wallpaper them.

I have more Easter Egg jokes that I was going use, but they are not all that they are cracked up to be.


“The great gift of Easter is hope.”~ Basil C. Hume

Friday Funny March 22, 2024 Yogi-isms

Happy Friday!  We can put winter behind us and welcome spring with open arms!  Spring also means that baseball is back, so let’s lead off the weekend with some wisdom from the one and only, Yogi Berra.


It was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I’ve had a couple of those.

In theory there is no difference between theory and practice; in practice there is.

I looked like this when I was young, and I still do.

It ain’t the heat, it’s the humility.

Even Napoleon had his Watergate.

We made too many wrong mistakes 

Never answer an anonymous letter.

No matter where you go, there you are.

If the world were perfect, it wouldn’t be.

Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball’s pretty good, too.


 “Baseball is a game of confidence, and overcoming failures and fears. That’s what life’s about too.”~ Yogi Berra

Feel free to check out my podcast at

Friday Funny March 15, 2024 Beware These Ides of March Jokes.

Happy Friday!  Since today is March 15, I thought I would take a stab at some Ides of March jokes.


Today is March 15, The Ides of March. But do you know what time it officially starts? At two.

How do Romans cut a pizza?  With a pair of Caesars.

Today is the Ides of March, so don’t forget to stab your Caesar salad 23 times.

Celebrate the Ides of March with a donut. In fact, eat two, Brute.

Would you call the pieces of green stuff left in the bottom of a bowl of Caesar salad, the last romaines?

Julius Caesar walks into McDonald’s. He holds up two fingers and says, “Give me five Big Macs.”

I read that Julius Caesar was not a very good musician.  It seems he always had trouble with the sharp notes.

I read that Julius Caesar had to go to the dermatologist because he had so many lesions.

Is it true that Julius Caesar crossed the road to conquer the other side?

I read that once, when Julius Caesar was redecorating his place that the flooring installer asked what he wanted done to do the old floor boards.  His response was, “Carpet dem.”


“The evil that men do lives after them. The good is oft interred with their bones.”~ Mark Antony (Act 3, Scene 2), Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare

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Friday Funny March 8, 2024 Bear Jokes

Happy Friday!  We are a full week into March and Spring is just around the corner!  Spring means things will turn greener and flowers will start to bloom.  It also means that bears will come out of hibernation. So, if you will bear with me, here are a few jokes to kick off the weekend.


If you cross a grizzly bear and a harp would you get a bear faced lyre?

If you cross a skunk with a bear would you get Winnie the PU?

Is it true that bears do not use GPS because they never lose their bearings?

I heard that pandas save money when they print photos because most of their pictures are black and white.

Would you call a bear that jumps but never lands Peter Panda?

Did you hear about the koala who got fired from his job because he would only do the bear minimum?

Did you hear about the optimistic who wanted to spread pawsitivity?

Did you hear about the bear couple who broke up because they were polar opposites?

Did you hear about the bear was not efficient at work? His colleagues said he was good fur nothing.

If you ever enter into a contract with a bear, make sure that the claws are clearly defined.


“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” ~ Søren Kierkegaard

You can find the newest episode of my podcast “Leonard Looks at Life” at this link