Category Archives: busy

Friday Funny July 14, 2017 Frightfully Busy

Happy Friday!  It is amazing how quickly another week rolls around.  It seems like each week is busier and passes quicker than the previous week.  Sometimes I feel like I am as ………


I feel like I am as busy as…..

a one-armed paperhanger with a case of the hives.

a one-eyed cat watching nine rat holes.

a one-legged man on Dancing With The Stars.

a one-toothed man in a corn-on-the-cob eating contest.

a termite in a saw mill.

a one-armed trombone player.

a Kardashian with a new camera phone

a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs

a cross-eyed air traffic controller

a claustrophobic mime trapped in an imaginary box

a dentist at a candy convention

a Turkey farmer the week of Thanksgiving

a grocery store just before a snowstorm

a relief pitcher for the Cincinnati Reds

a Cleveland Browns quarterback under a full blitz

an elf on Christmas Eve

an accountant without a pencil

Thought for the Week

“I wanted to figure out why I was so busy, but I couldn’t find the time to do it.” 
― Todd Stocker